The Walking Dead
![]() Are you among the millions of people who are fans of the hit show The Walking Dead? You know Lori, Glenn Rhee, Daryl Dixon and OH EM GEE Rick Grimes!? I can’t believe another season is back! Can you? To be honest, I haven’t seen an episode, I know I know, I am probably missing out on something but if you haven’t seen an episode you most likely have heard people talking about the show at one point. If not, you can assume that the show has to deal with zombies, people who are dead but are walking around as though they are not. Did you know that millions of people are “walking dead?” These people seem to be ok. They walk, talk, look and dress “normal”, just like you. What if I told you that you come across the walking dead every single day? Yes, you see dead people! What if I told you that you might be one of those who are “walking dead.” Yes YOU! Walking dead! Did you know that more than “350 million people of all ages suffer from depression,” or as I like to call it “the walking dead syndrome” and more women are affected than men? ( Depression can be mild, moderate or severe. People who suffer from depression experience a loss of interest and enjoyment in the things they liked to do. They also have low energy which leads to a decrease in activity. ( People with depression also experience disturbed sleep, loss of appetite and may also experience feelings of guilt or low-self worth and poor concentration. People who suffer from depression usually suffer for long periods of time, it is not a one day episode or sorrow. Depression is a serious issue and many times those who are depressed suffer in silence because they can’t express what it is they are feeling. Depression is a common illness worldwide which can result from a wide range of factors (for example, emotional, mental as well as life situations). Many times we pretend that everything is fine, we wake up, get dressed and go to school while on the inside we feel horrible. We feel like there is a dark cloud over our heads. There is something that is bothering us deep down, something that is eating away at us, and many of us don't say anything. I just want to let you know that you are not alone and you should not be afraid to tell someone you can trust what you are dealing with. If you have a friend that you feel might be depressed you should talk to them and have them talk to a professional who can better help. I am not a medical professional or a therapist, however, I do know that prayer does work. There was a king in the bible by the name of David who was “troubled” greatly, he would “mourn” all day long and “groan because of the turmoil” in his heart (Psalm 38:6,8). To me, it sounds like David was depressed. So what did David do? I am glad you asked! David prayed! In Psalm 38 David poured out his heart to God, he told God that he felt alone, abandoned and that he could not take it anymore. David asks that God would help him with all that he was dealing with. David knew that only God could help him in his time of trouble. David didn’t want to be a “walking dead” man any longer. You don’t have to be either. If you are not depressed but you are sad or feel lonely you can always pray. Prayer is just talking to God. So pray! Please don’t get me wrong…I am not saying that you should not seek medical help. Sometimes medication is needed depending on how severe a person’s situation is. Whether you have to take medication or not, you should still pray and remember that all things are possible with GOD! God can heal your depression! I pray that God will help you with whatever feelings or situation you might be facing or dealing with today. I pray that God will speak to your heart and that you feel His love like never before. I want you to know that you are not alone and you are not crazy for feeling the way you feel. Don’t suffer alone. You do not have to. I pray that your situation will get better and that God will continue to surround you with love and peace of mind. Keeping praying, keep smiling and keep on wearing your confidence because it will get better! Amen! *Don’t forget your confidence XOXO, Cherise For immediate help or to speak with someone please call: DepressionCrisis Call Center 800-273-8255 or text ANSWER to 839863 Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week Depression and Bipolar Support 800-273-TALK (8255) Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week National Hopeline Network 800-SUICIDE (784-2433) 800-442-HOPE (4673) Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week Crisis Center and Hotlines Locator by State Suicide Prevention Services Depression Hotline 630-482-9696 Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week
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