![]() What is Wear Your Confidence up to? Well, If you haven’t guessed by the picture, I will be speaking at PRETTY IN THE CITY this Saturday! Oh yes, Wear Your Confidence is on the map and will soon be on the road again! This is truly an amazing journey and I am so glad that you guys and gals are taking it with me, with us! Like I said before, we are in this thing together! It is rare that I share something with you that I haven’t gone through or am going through. It would be so awesome if I saw your face in the place on Saturday! Ms. Pennsylvania Teen USA 2015 will be hosting the event (isn't she beautiful). There will be music performances by Bria Marie and Tracey Preston! This is going to be an awesome time! If you are in Philly or live near Philly come on out! I will be speaking on confidence and self-esteem. YOU KNOW HOW I DO! Not only that, but I will have the opportunity to sell my latest book: BOOST YOUR CONFIDENCE WITH COMPLIMENTS, 50 COMPLIMENTS EVERY GIRL SHOULD GIVE HERSELF!! AHHHH! I want to scream with excitement!..... (I just did). I hope you all pray for me as I go this Saturday! I will be sure to take pictures and post them at a later date! For tickets: Register HERE! To order your copy of BOOST YOUR COMPLIMENTS WITH COMPLIMENTS: CLICK HERE I will be sure to bring my confidence! XOXO, Cherise "Don't Forget Your Confidence."
I Broke A Nail...My Life Is Over!
![]() How has this year been for you so far? Good? Bad? Ugly? Beautiful? Maybe 2015 has been a little bit of all of thee above. Well, guess what? You are not alone! 2015 has been a bit of everything for me and more! I am not surprised. Why, you ask? Because that’s what life is all about. If every single day was full of pain that would suck but thankfully it’s not. We have good and great days mixed in. I heard someone once say that it’s those bad days that help us appreciate the good ones. I guess there is some truth to that. HOWEVER I prefer great days over the sucky ones. What constitutes a “sucky day” for you? Do you consider rain and clouds a bad day? When your hair is a mess and just won’t cooperate; do you consider that a “horrible day?” What about you breaking a nail? If you think about it, there are a lot of dumb things that happen to us that we allow to ruin our WHOLE day! But wait a minute! Rewind! Pause! Stop the press! We are confident girls! HELLOOOO!!! We don’t allow little dumb things to knock us off our game! Are you serious right now? Are you really going to allow the weather transform you into Oscar the Grouch? Are you really going to allow one hair that is out of place to make you frown ALL DAY? Ok, you broke a nail. It is not the end of the world. Get a band-aid, kiss it and keep it moving. Life is too short and worth so much more than the little DUMB things we obsess over. As confident girls we think differently. We don’t see broken nails, weather and hair as things that make us have bad days. We see things from God’s perspective. Our eyes aren’t focused on ourselves ALL THE TIME. We look up to God and are concerned about heavenly things. We are concerned about others and what God wants to do through us! (Colossians 3:2) It’s ok to pay attention to yourself. You have to! But don’t allow you paying attention to yourself turn into conceit. NEWS FLASH! The world does not revolve around you, or me. Make the choice to have a GREAT DAY, NO MATTER WHAT! XOXO, Cherise “Don’t Forget Your Confidence.” Does Your Mood Change With The Weather?
![]() I like to think that as the seasons change, so do we. Some of us change for the better and others…not so much. There is something about warm weather and sunshine that make most people happier. In the winter many people are angry and their faces are chopped and screwed because they are cold, it’s snowing and cold weather just makes them complain even more! BUT! Now we (on the East Coast) have all defrosted and our smiles are back! We have pep in our step and we are smiling! Right? Pep in your step is great but what about having some pep on the inside? How is your self-esteem doing? Are you only feeing good because the weather is starting to change? Do you only feel great when the weather is nice? Could people describe you as a mood ring? Meaning, depending on the temperature outside others will know if you are going to be happy for angry? If so, no worries because you can change! I have come up with a few facts that I would like to cal.. (DRUM ROLL PLEASE) …..#confidencefacts Say them when you start to get moody or when the weather tries to change your attitude. These little facts will help remind you who you are and help boost how you feel about yourself! Feel free to add more facts! Confident girls don’t allow the weather to determine their mood; they let the sun shine at all times #confidencefacts Wearing a smile can brighten any day! #confidencefacts I don’t need to compare myself because I am in a league of my own. #confidencefacts When I compare myself I’m telling myself that I am not good enough. #confidencefacts I am fearfully and wonderfully made. #confidencefacts I accept who I am, even the parts that I don’t like about myself. #confidencefacts I believe in myself no matter what others may say. #confidencefacts I doubt my doubts. #confidencefacts When others talk bad about me that shows that they are insecure in themselves. #confidencefacts Confident girls don’t quit; it’s not in our DNA! #confidencefacts XOXO, Cherise "Don't Forget Your Confidence." No F-Bombs Allowed!...
![]() Have you ever felt hopeless about life? You have a dream or a goal and you don’t know where to start, how to start and so you don’t! Sometimes you let your emotions get the best of you and all of a sudden you are sad, mad, disappointed and worried all at the same time! Sad because you want to do something but you haven’t started. Then you get mad at yourself for feeling sad. Then you get disappointed because things aren’t going fast enough and then you get worried that you are doing it wrong, that people will either judge you or not support you and so you drop an F-bomb and say, “FORGET IT ALL!” Whoa there! Before you go dropping F-Bombs and killing your dreams how about you take a deep breath and a handful of chill pills and a few seats. Obviously this dream or goal is important to you or you would not be filled with so much emotion. Am I right? There is something about this dream/goal that keeps you up at night that you desire sooo much to see it happen! You think about it all the time, people often say how you should be doing it and you are thinking to yourself, I AM TRYING, but this is hard, I need help, what should I do next, who should I talk to.. and so on and so on. Your mind is going one hundred miles a minute and I need you to pause! ONCE again, take a deep breath and a handful of chill pills and a few seats, one seat for each butt cheek. When you get overwhelmed like this you are no good! You can’t think straight, function properly or accomplish any goals. Feeling overwhelmed like THIS will cause you to feel hopeless. “But what do I do Cherise?” I am so glad you asked! First, you need to remember who you are and who you are not! You are not a fearful, worrisome and hopeless girl! NO, not at all! You are fearfully and wonderfully MADE! You can do all things through Christ! You are confident and the last time I checked, confident girls don’t quit they keep on going! Second, take the pressure off of yourself! If God has give you a desire He will make sure that it comes to pass, but you have to keep on working. Do not think for one second that because you are starting off small that what you are doing is not important. If you keep on going watch how big your dreams will grow! Thirdly, remember it is a process! You are a work in progress and so are your dreams. Everything in life goes through a process. Take yourself for example, you were born a baby and then over time, through a process, you started to change, develop and grow. Just like you, your dreams need time. In the meantime, keep on thinking about your dreams, planning, and practicing until they reach its full potential. Do not get all cray cray and bent out of shape during the process. Keep on believing! I believe in you! XOXO, Cherise “Don’t Forget Your Confidence.” |
Closet Full of Confidence- BlogNothing is off limits when it comes to the WYC Blog. Archives
January 2018