How You Doin'?
![]() How you doin’ world? I don’t know if you know, BUT June 22nd was my BIRTHDAY! :insert dance break here: I had such an amazing, life changing day! If you follow my modeling page on Facebook (Cherise Styles) You would have known that I was on the Wendy Williams Show!!!…Talk about an amazing birthday gift! God gives thee best gifts every. You are probably wondering how in the world did I land this gig. Well let me tell you something, it really had nothing to do with me and everything to do with God’s favor. You see, I went to the Wendy Williams Show last week, just because I wanted to go. While I was there everyone was given a sheet of paper with the opportunity to ask Wendy a question for a segment called Ask Wendy, where people seek Wendy’s advice on relationships, boyfriends, life etc. (Watch it here) So, I put my question on the paper, low and behold, my question was chosen. I was able to ask Wendy my question on live TV. REWIND! I sat in the waiting area excited with my sister and the rest of the studio audience for the show to start. Next, someone came up to my sister and I asked if we were interested in doing a makeover show. Of course we said, yes. We gave our info and to make a long story short, I got a call back that same day, from the producer, asking if I would come back on June 22nd, MY BDAY, to be a model for the show!!! TALK ABOUT AMAZING! Fast forward to my bday, I had such an amazing time! I felt like a real celebrity. I got to meet Mally Roncal, celebrity makeup artist, and her amazing team member, Teenie. Two other models, along with myself were given a greenroom that was just fantastic! We were provided with fruit, pastries, drinks (non-alocohlic) and tea. Everyone on the staff was great! Wendy was great and funny! I had such a fantabulous time! I took so many selfies, it was ridiculous. It still hasn’t registered to me that I was on national television. Lol! I am telling you all this because some of you want to know, but most importantly to brag on how great Jesus is! He has my life and my steps ordered. I am so excited about my life and my future. I am confident through Christ! I know that all things are working for MY GOOD... and your good too! Keep on going and don’t quit! Quitting is not in our DNA! Don’t Forget Your Confidence XOXO, Cherise To see the video click here. To see the pics, click here. Here are some photos that are NOT on the Facebook page... You get special pics because I love you. XOXO
OMG! You Weigh HOW MUCH?
![]() Have you ever had an issue with your weight? If you're a girl, chances are you have had a conversation about weight or you have been the topic of weighing too much or not enough. To be honest, this whole issue of weight and image and comparing my weight to your weight is completely absurd! I saw this image (to the left) floating around Facebook last week and it really spoke to me. You see, we all come in different shapes and sizes and we all could weigh the same BUT we all carry it differently! Our height makes all the difference!I remember talking with a girl who was 5'5 and weighed 120lbs, she looked great! She wasn’t really skinny and she had a nice shape. At the time, I was 5'8 and weighed the same as she did but I was lanky and had NO CURVES. I thought to myself: "What the heck am I doing wrong?!" SMH! I was comparing her body and weight to my body and weight, all the while failing to realize that I was tearing down my confidence and self-esteem. Thank God I gave learned from my mistakes. Currently, I am 5'10 AND 3/4 and I weigh 137 pounds! (I know right?) I don’t have to deal with me comparing myself to others. I now face ignorant people who come up to me and ask, "How much do you weigh… 98 pounds?" I constantly have people telling me I need to eat more because I "look" like I could use the extra weight. I had a lady say to me, "You are so skinny, do you eat?" In the same breath she asks me, "What do you eat?" (I couldn't make this up if I tried). Body weight and body image will always be an issue to others, but you do not have to let become YOUR ISSUE as well. People will always have something to say about YOUR WEIGHT, how much YOU WEIGH and you don’t LOOK like you WEIGH that much! The thing you have to keep in mind is that IT'S YOUR WEIGHT and not anyone else's! It's no ones business how much you weigh and quite frankly those who are insecure about THEIR weight WILL ALWAYS talk about YOUR weight in a condescending way. "No thank you, I don't NEED a burger, but I sure will take one!" We have to raise our confidence levels by putting fuel in our "confidence tank"! We have to learn to give ourselves compliments! You can learn how by ordering my book, BOOST YOUR CONFIDENCE WITH COMPLIMENTS (Cheap plug)! Remind yourself that you are fearfully and wonderfully made! You were not born to fit "the mold"! That mold doesn't even exist! You were born to be you! So stand out and make noise! Remind yourself that your body weight DOES NOT DEFINE WHO YOU ARE! God defines who you are and you are sealed with a stamp of approval from the creator of the entire universe! Just like our body comes in different shapes and sizes, so does our confidence! The shortest girl in the world could have the same amount of confidence as the tallest girl in the world! Just because someone is overweight or underweight don't automatically assume that they are not confident with who they are. Don't be like the LADIES who tell me I need to eat...I'M GOOD! Let's pull up a seat at the table and eat together...and forget how much we weigh! BON APPETITE! Xoxo, Cherise "Don't Forget Your Confidence" How does this image make you feel? LET'S CHAT! |
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January 2018