Give Your Emotions The Finger!
![]() Have you ever felt like giving up? Stupid question! DUH! I am confident enough to believe that 99.9% of people have felt that way. Don’t leave me hangin’... There have been times when you have felt helpless, frustrated and annoyed. Many of us feel that way with ourselves. Sometimes you feel like your efforts are not getting you anywhere. You press and press. You try and try but the answer is no, or not now, or you don’t get an answer at all! I know I am not the only one! If I can totally be honest with you guys and gals, I felt a bit that way as I started to write this blog. I was going to post an old blog and call it a new blog because I just have not had time to sit down and write. I would think, is anyone reading this? What’s the point! This is dumb. I am not getting the response I want sooo this ONE TIME will not hurt! SMH but then I realized, people actually read these and are waiting to see what I have to talk about. Anywhooo, to make a short story shorter, here we are! I write. You read and share! I said all that to say that your efforts are not going to waste and you can’t give up now! WHY? Because who knows, the very day you decide to quit may be the day that you get your YES! WHO KNOWS! The day I decide to be lazy with a blog post could be the very day a magazine editor or CEO decides to surf the web and land on the WYC site, but because I decided to let my feelings get the best of me, I BLOW MY CHANCE! (I am getting chills just thinking about it) As a confident girl, you have to ask yourself: 1. Why did I get started in the first place? 2. Do I believe in myself enough to keep going, no matter how many no’s I get? We all have moments where our emotions want to get in our way, but that’s when we have to give our emotions the finger! The index finger, silly! We have to put it up and say, “NO, NO, NO, NOT TODAY!” and then keep on going! You are really close! I can sense it! Just because you can’t see it now, just know that you are closer than you feel and know! Your hard work will pay off! Keep on going my dear! We don't give up! #confidentgirlfacts XOXO Cherise Don’t Forget Your Confidence!
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January 2018