I am super excited because Wear Your Confidence is on the move! I’ll be speaking at the (FLI) Future Leaders Institute for Girls in August! The FLI is a summer program designed to develop the leadership skills of girls ages 12-17. I’ll be speaking and teaching on… :drum roll please: CONFIDENCE, duh! I can’t tell you every single detail of what I will be doing but I will make sure I post pictures of the event and give you the 4-1-1 after the event! Isn’t it ironic that I speak and teach about confidence and self-esteem yet I am still working and building my own confidence? If I am 110% honest, I sometimes doubt myself and my abilities :insert huge gasp here:. I don’t think I have come across a person who is 100% confident in every aspect of their life. There is always some sort of doubt or fear that tries to rise up and make me stop. I have come to realize that the fear and doubt are normal and it is necessary. If I didn’t have them I would be totally dependent on ME and not God. I have learned that having 100% confidence in YOURSELF and YOUR ABILITIES can lead to you being conceited. I have to constantly remind myself that it’s NOT about ME but it’s about GOD and what He wants me to do with my life. If I never did what I was afraid to I never would have started a blog, launched Wear Your Confidence, started the WYCTV1 YouTube channel, written a book or spoke publicly. I definitely would NOT have answered the call and become a minister (talk about scary)! I could not have done all of that on my own. I was terrified to start the YouTube channel, scared that no one was going to watch, or subscribe to the page OR that they would watch and then not like it. I had to put all of that to the side and do what I felt God wanted me to do. I prayed that God would help me through it all #noLie. I am only confident because I have God. If He gives me an idea I’ve got to do it because with God I can’t fail! My Bible tells me with God all things are possible! So, as I go out to speak to this group of girls next month, I will be Wearing My Confidence and trusting God to do the rest. I will trust God to help me be effective as well as teach in a fun and exciting way that will leave these girls believing in themselves and knowing that they are beautiful, strong and can take over the world! It’s time for the world to Wear Their Confidence! Who is with me? *Don’t Forget Your Confidence For more information about the FLI Program you can email [email protected]!
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January 2018