Fight With Confidence!
![]() Have you ever been in a fight? When I say fight I don’t mean an argument where there was yelling, screaming and cussing. I mean a real fight where fists were flying, weave was tossed around and it had to be broken up? That’s a real fight! Correction! That’s a real HOT mess, because ladies don’t fight. Well, we are not supposed to fight, not physically. What if I told you I could teach you a way to fight without using your hands or hurtful words? Allow me to let you in on a little something. When your friend makes you mad or when someone gets on your last nerve and you are two seconds from giving them a piece of your mind this is what you do…CHILL! Yes, chill! Take a breath, or two, or three or five, say a prayer and do nothing! In 2 Corinthians 10:4 "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary they have divine power to demolish strongholds. For example, let’s say your friend said she was going to do come over and help you with a major project and she never did! You cancelled plans, and changed your whole schedule because your friend was going to come over and help you. She said she would be at your house at 10am sharp! 12pm, your friend hasn’t shown up yet. 2pm, no call, no show. 5pm, nothing! She finally calls you at 6:30pm and tells you that she missed her boyfriend so much that she just had to go and see him today! She shows up at your house at 9:00pm and crashes on the couch. You keep your cool up to this point but when you start to talk about your project she starts to fall asleep. In between her naps she yells, “Can’t you just shut up for about 30 minutes. I told you I would be here when I could and I’m here, but I’m really tired and your killing my vibe.” What would you do? Snatching her by her hair and kicking her out of your house is not an option! Here is how you fight without laying a hand on your rude, careless and selfish friend. You take it to God in prayer. Pray to Jesus! She obviously is dealing with a lying spirit. The word of God tells us that our weapons are not carnal. You have weapons just not physical ones! You can’t see them or touch them. The weapons you have are prayer, praise and worship! Before you go to God for anything you should get in the habit of giving Him praise. Tell Him how great He is (praise)and thank Him for a few things in your life. Also, tell Him how much you love Him (worship). In this situation, you probably wouldn’t remember to give God praise and worship. Your first response would be to yell back. Instead you can say, “Help me Jesus.” I believe God will give you peace that will prevent you from going to jail. You will get your help (just remember to thank Him later). In Deuteronomy 32:35 it says that vengeance belongs to God. That simply means that God will repay all of those who did you wrong, who hated on you, talked bad about you and even those who hit you. Sometimes He will even let you watch. But the point is DON’T SEEK REVENGE! Don’t try to attack or repay wrong behavior with more wrong behavior. Trust God! Put your confidence in God, knowing that He will fight your battles. Remember there is always a way of escape. You can walk away, pray, ask Jesus to give you strength! You have many options. Which one will you choose? It takes a strong, confident young lady to walk away from someone yelling and acting a complete and total fool. But guess what? You are a classy girl. You are a young lady who respects herself and her reputation No one can say that you are a wild monkey. You won’t get posted on World Star or Media Take Out. I don’t mean to be cliché but LET GO AND LET GOD! Put your faith and hope in Jesus. There is nothing too hard for God. So the next time someone gets you to the point where you want to knock them out; fight with confidence by calling on God. Remember you have options! *Don’t forget your confidence PS. You are too cute to be fighting. ;-)
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November 2016